Community Development

SHARES Lancashire works in partnership with a range of local partners to help develop local communities in West Lancashire and to represent the cluster of school’s priorities. Partners include Lancashire County Council, West Lancashire Borough Council, Active Lancashire and a range of third sector agencies.

We have been involved in the following community projects

  • Isolation Station plus-circle Created with Sketch Beta.

    SHARES Lancashire undertook a project on behalf of the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) to provide digital guidance and support for residents of Lancashire. This can be accessed at:

  • Lancashire HAF plus-circle Created with Sketch Beta.

    The Lancashire Holiday Activity and Food project is aimed at giving young people who access benefits related free school meals a range of activities and access to food across school holidays. Since 2020, SHARES Lancashire has been a lead partner is delivering the project to thousands of children in West Lancashire. More information on this project can be found here:

  • Lancashire HAF Online plus-circle Created with Sketch Beta.

    During the Covid-19 pandemic, children were restricted in accessing face to face activities and SHARES Lancashire was tasked with developing a wide ranging online offer of activities for children for the whole of Lancashire. 64 activity videos were created and, along with a range of downloadable activities, were made available for the benefit of tens of thousands of children and families across Lancashire. You can access Lancashire HAF online here:

  • Tawd Valley redevelopment project plus-circle Created with Sketch Beta.

    Working with West Lancashire Borough Council and other partners in shaping the investment into the Tawd Valley. Thus ensuring there are educational elements to this project and opportunities for the schools to utilise the facilities for the benefit of children and families.

  • West Lancashire Leisure Centres plus-circle Created with Sketch Beta.

    SHARES Lancashire has been working in partnership to ensure that the new and refurbished leisure centres earmarked for West Lancashire meet the communities needs

  • GlassBall Arts project plus-circle Created with Sketch Beta.

    An Arts Council funded project that saw SHARES Lancashire work with local not for profit Glassball to place 6 temporary and 1 permanent art installations in Skelmersdale.

  • Beacon Country Park Play Area plus-circle Created with Sketch Beta.

    The SHARES Lancashire Pupil Parliament worked alongside West Lancashire Brough Council and SERCO to choose and name a new play area that was situated at the country park. This was a wonderful child-led project delivered by partners focused on the community’s needs.